Wolfram Language Projects
Sub-axiomatic foundations of group theory in SK combinators
Optimizing traffic light timings in simulated cities
Quantifying language efficiency
Game graphs of Tic-Tac-Toe-like games
Obsidian Plugins
these are plugins i made for the Obsidian note-taking app
obsidian to omnifocus
obsidian to omnifocus exports tasks from obsidian to omnifocus
comment plugin
comment plugin adds pane for comments about a note similar to google docs. use a shared syncing service and different usernames to collaborate
journey presentation
journey presentation creates a presentation with a slide for each obsidian note in a chain from one to another
wordnik definitions
wordnik definitions pastes definitions from into a note (either the title of the note or a custom search term)
content pusher
content pusher add (prepend or append) specified content to a note (existing or new) without opening another pane
order list plugin
order list plugin reorders a list of items in a note by the number at the end
custom reading time
custom reading time adds two reading times to the status based on two customizable formulas
admonition to quarto
convert admonition to quarto converts admonition-style callouts to a .qmd file with quarto callouts and vice versa
rickies chairman obsidian
rickies chairman obsidian adds a command to paste the current rickies chairman of the connect podcast
OmniFocus Plugins
these are plugins i made for the OmniFocus task management app
start toggl timer
starts a toggl timer for the selected task based on its tags and project
airtable sync
syncs omnifocus tasks with airtable and vice versa
email processing
processes emails sent to your omnifocus inbox based on subject and sender
Siri Shortcuts
card trick
card trick mind reader
collatz ratios
find rate that collatz sequence converges to 1
snake game
dark wikipedia
dark css theme for wikipedia which looks a lot like this site
bunch atom package
atom package for bunch syntax
Minimal YouTube
Arc Browser boost (or chrome extension) to hide comments and recommended videos on youtube and make certain elements clearer.